We help McDonald's franchisees manage vendor relationships.

Stressed about the changes to graded visits? We don’t blame you—good internal techs and reliable vendors are hard to come by. With corporate no longer handling vendor contracts, you're likely spending a lot more time finding someone to handle your repairs at a fair price.

Spend less time worrying about audits and more time growing your business. McDonald’s franchisees across the country use 86 Repairs to take the burden of M&R off their staff.

mcdonalds exterior

"86 Repairs has helped with getting service companies to show up and be on time."

Fred del Barrio, Owner/Operator of Golden Aces dba McDonald's

Meet Fred, Owner/Operator of Golden Aces.

Fred’s been with McDonald’s for nearly 40 years. From working the front lines to managing franchisee-owned stores to eventually owning and operating stores of his own, Fred knows the brand like the back of his hand. But his job has only become more difficult over time.

He used to be able to send managers to an Applied Equipment Class offered by corporate. Those managers could pick up troubleshooting tips for vital equipment and learn how to fix smaller, less expensive appliances so their stores could avoid downtime and extra repair expenses.

Fred also leaned on corporate for access to vendors. Because of the size of the brand, McDonald’s was able to negotiate priority dispatch and lower rates for their franchisees.

But in recent years, corporate has reduced M&R support—while making graded visits more difficult to pass. Luckily, Fred found 86 Repairs to be a trusted partner in M&R to take all of those time-consuming tasks off his plate.

86 Repairs provides live troubleshooting so shift leaders can diagnose equipment problems without having to bother GMs—and without having to call a vendor or waste the time of their in-house technicians. And when a technician is needed, 86 Repairs handles all communication so staff can focus on customers. The solution also offers preventative maintenance programs designed to keep stores audit-ready.

The status of every M&R request is stored in one convenient Customer Portal so Fred has visibility over M&R at any time, from any place. The Portal also tracks all M&R financial data, giving Fred and his team the opportunity to spot troublesome pieces of equipment before they sink any more money into repairs.

A simple way to request service

The 86 Repairs Mobile App gives McDonald’s teams an easy way to submit repairs.

Just select the equipment, describe the problem, then submit the request. We handle the rest.

86 Repairs Mobile App.GIF

Your M&R is golden with 86 Repairs.

Preparing for an audit doesn’t have to be a pain. Drive success in your business and get visibility over every location with a new way of managing M&R.

Schedule a discovery call to learn more.